About The Site and Me

The site and its purpose:

My hope for this blog is to let people gain a greater understanding of geek culture, aside from the news that floods it daily. Sure, there will be news from time to time, but I'm also hoping to probe beyond the news and set up a place for people to come and talk about what it is to be a geek and what makes it up; whether that means the ethics of used games sales, or how CG artists go about making that movie you love. There will also be my own commentary, through reviews and thoughts.

This is also my living, breathing, portfolio to try to get somewhere in the industry of talking about, and being a part of, the things I love, which I already do on sites across the internet every day, any way. I figured that if I could spend hours and hours a day writing long, almost post-like, comments, then why shouldn't I take some of the more meaningful thoughts, work them out a little more, and put them out in a more professional sense, hoping it'll take me at least somewhere on the periphery of where I've always wanted to be in life.

My life has been a long series of stops and starts. Less speed bumps and more chasms. With the only constant, the only comfort, being my love for videogames, movies, TV, Comics and a few other things. Whenever my life had to stop these things kept going, and, really, kept pulling me along with it. In a lot of ways, in spite of the fact that I do learn new things everyday about any or all of these things, they're really the only things I can say I truly know. These things saved me for years.

Which is why I'm writing this site. I need to do something with my life and my pseudo-ability to write, with my long-term experience and knowledge of these mediums, are the only things I've really got to lean on to get me any where.

This is sort of a last ditch effort to make something of my life. I may not be great at this, and I may not even be able to keep up with others doing the same stuff, but I've got to do something. It's better then doing nothing.


Geek is in my DNA. If all the stories I've heard are true, I've been living it since inception.


  • 28 years playing videogames
  • 26 years reading comics
  • 30 years (at least 3 completely unremembered; considering you can't really remember your first 3 years of life) of watching television and movies (particularly horror, sci-fi and animation) 
  • Unknown amount of years talking about all these things. Because: who can keep track? 
  • At least 13 years, if not more, talking about these things on the internet in some form; just not like this.
  • Some self taught web design. Not very good at it, but it gets me by in the general activities that I do with it.
  • An awful amount of offhand knowledge about random things, none of which would get me anywhere in the world on their own steam.
  • An affinity for history, which connects to the above bullet point somewhat. Maybe.
  • Went to college for a short time for film and audio, but, as I said loosely above in the purpose of the site, I had to stop because of 9/11, which snowballed from one situation to another as to why I'm not anywhere still. 

Contact Info:
Email: InTheDauntingAbyss@gmail.com
Twitter: @DauntingAbyss
Facebook: InTheDauntingAbyss
Ask.fm: ask.fm/InTheDauntingAbyss
(Possibly more to come)

If your a site or company that wants to get in touch with me over something I've written, wants to make me a contact, or wants to hire me in some capacity, please email me. I'll likely check the email once a week, so if your email needs a reply, and I'm slow to get back to you, please be patient as I get into the swing of checking more then just my personal email.

As for Twitter I'll more then likely be tweeting post postings and loose thoughts on geek related thinking. It's going to be hard to get my thought vomits down to so few characters, but I'll have to survive.

Facebook.. I'm not a fan of the site, but I'm doing it tentatively in order to get myself out there more and because people who aren't freaks like me like it. Facebook will mostly be for getting the word out on posts. If I get to feeling comfortable with it, I may take it a little further. Very much a work in progress, because I really am going to loath working with it. The real thought being that if I'm working on something, it'd rather be something for this site, instead of making sure Facebook is up.

Ask.fm is fun, it's about the only sort of social butterfly site that I really like (though I do enjoy twitter more then I thought I would). Possibly because no one seems to be pissing over one another on it, and you can keep yourself completely anonymous if you want. I'll check it once or twice a week, if you want to shoot me a question without it going to email. I'd prefer readers questions go there, actually, if they don't go into comments on the posts themselves.

Disclaimer: Due to my current limitations, for right now, most images on this site are not mine, and are owned by their respected owners. All of those owners rights are reserved, and are very important to me. Thank you for your hard work.