Friday, December 20, 2013

Small Fix For The Only Telltales The Walking Dead Season 2 Issue I had.

Word my already be spread, but anyone playing The Walking Dead Season 2 on PC may run into an issue where they load the game for the first time and it finds a different set of saves from the ones you want to use. For whatever reason this happened to me and I can't figure out why at the moment (both no time and slightly too technical for me to want to poke into), but it may have something to do with Steam, or possibly trying to start over, over an old save. I seriously can't tell.

I did manage to figure out how to fix it ally by my lonesome, however. All you need to search your system for The Walking Dead and see if you have two files for the game; one with the words starting with uppercase letters, the second with the words starting with lower case. 

From there all I did was copy the saves I wanted to use, the "ultimate file" I had made over the last few days, from the upper cased file, to the one the lower case file. This allowed Season 2 to see the files I had just spent hours toiling away on, and not ones the game was claiming I made in July, where supposedly I only finished episode 1, that I can't remember ever doing. 

As always with things like this: Back up what your replacing (Example: contents of the lowercase folder) in a separate folder where you can find it (I use my desktop), with a name you'll recognize (I named mine "Unknown Walking Dead Saves"), in case you need to put the contents back at a later date. I can't stress this enough, for the safety of doing anything file related.

Hope this helps any of you survivors out there, please and pass this around. And remember: Keep that hair short.

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